UV-Visible, Visible-NIR, and Mixed Optical Fiber Assemblies

Bifurcated fibers have two fibers side-by-side in the common end and break out into two legs at the other end. The fiber type (i.e., its most efficient transmission range) used in each leg can be the same or different, depending on your application needs.

UV-Visible Bifurcated Optical Fiber with 400 µm fiber core size, 2 m long, and silicone-coated steel monocoil jacketing.


Visible-NIR Bifurcated Optical Fiber with 50 µm fiber core size, 2 m long, and silicone-coated steel monocoil jacketing.


"Mixed" Bifurcated Optical Fiber with 200 µm fiber core size, 2 m long, and silicone-coated steel monocoil jacketing.



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